10 Steps for Recovering from the Crash After Creating

You wrote a book. Like a whole damn thing. 322 pages of YOUR words.

Your heart. Your soul. And it’s done. It’s published and out in the world. (To read my heart and soul, Ballad of Dreams, click here: https://amzn.to/3pU4QlD)

The people in your life all keep saying the same thing... OMG aren’t you so proud? Aren’t you so HAPPY?! You must be SOOO proud of yourself and excited!

And while, yes, you are proud and amazed when your book comes in the mail and you can hold it in your hands, and see this real, tangible thing that you created, you are sad. Like really sad because the creative process of putting all the puzzle pieces together is what you loved the MOST. The getting to know your characters inside and out. The joy of finishing a chapter and being so pleasantly surprised with how it ended. The emotional release of feeling your characters’ feelings, creating an arch and a resolution. And now it’s over.

As a Theater person, it’s like the HIGH of being in a show. Working on your craft. Collaborating with other actors and figuring out the secret sauce to make that one scene or song work. And then the joy ride of performing with your theater family in front of an audience and getting the response: applause, smiles, laughter, response to your performance, your art. You have a big fun cast party and drink too much and dance until your feet hurt and hug your castmates and stay out too late. The high of being in a show and performing and creating a mini family for however long it lasted comes with a deafening CRASH when it’s over.

I’m in the crash right now.... I used SOOO much of my creative energy, heart, soul for this project that I’m tired. I keep asking myself WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU?? You wrote a book AND a musical. Snap the heck out of it-girl and get back to being your fabulous creative self.

But after climbing a mountain - I’m at a loss for how to get my creative juices flowing again. So here goes - my words of affirmation to you, me, and how to climb out of the crash when the idea of writing another book, another song, another poem, another painting, fill in the blank for your form of art feels utterly daunting.

10 Steps for Recovering from the Crash After Creating

  1. Get your thoughts and emotions OUT. However, you need to get them out. Share them with a trusted friend, journal, talk to your coach, therapist, partner, just get them out.

  2. Acknowledge yourself- You Created Something from Nothing and had the courage to share it with the world. That is Braver than most people. You are a Badass. A creative Badass!

  3. Rest. Let your brain and body REST. What is REST for you? Sleep, go slow, binge-watch your favorite Netflix show., take a BREAK from your art.

  4. Tap into a different form of creativity with no expectations or work product tied to it - suggestions:

    1. Color in an adult coloring book

    2. Follow a writing prompt not tied to a Project-and free-write for 15 minutes. You will remember how once you start!

  5. Get Inspired by others art - go to a museum, pick up a new book, see a show or movie you’ve been wanting to see but couldn’t because well, you were creating.

  6. Blast your favorite song or soundtrack and sing at the top of your lungs!

  7. Dance it out! What’s your jam?

  8. Yoga, Breathing, Slow Your nervous system down - Cardio used to be your thing? Try something slower.

  9. Be KIND to Yourself- you just gave BIRTH and that was hard work.

  10. Treat yourself to some really good dark chocolate because chocolate makes everything better :)

Have another suggestion that’s not on this list, or know a creative who could use this? Please share, I’d love to hear from you!